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The results of seventh graders

The result of the Higher Secondary Education in Bulgarian language and literature for the 7th grade is 54.60 points. There is a certain drop of 44 percent from last year, but this figure is within statistical error. The Minister of Education and Science, Prof. Galin Tsokov, presented an analysis of the results of the national external assessment after the 7th grade at the MES.

In mathematics, the result is significantly higher – by more than 7 points. The result that increases in mathematics shows a trend that we also found in the exams after the fourth grade, which shows a convergence of the results of BEL and mathematics for two different stages of our education system, said Tsokov. There is no decline in any area in our country, and in some of them the results in
mathematics are increasing. In some of them, there is an increase in math results for the fourth grade as well.

If the results this year are comparable to last year in Bulgarian language and literature , then in mathematics there is a serious step forward. The result of the Higher Secondary School in mathematics is 42.9 this year compared to 35.29 last year in 2023.

“The other positive thing is that the result increases by one point in the retelling,” the Minister of Education also stated. 7% of the children did not work on the interpretive text task.

Over 60% worked on the second part in mathematics, this percentage is also increasing , he also points out.

“The better results are due to almost a year’s work to look for ways to motivate teachers and students,” according to the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The educational system in our country has great potential, and if there is consistency in the policies related to changes in the way of assessment and structuring of learning results, in the coming years we can have better results, Tsokov also pointed out.

Over 57,000 students appeared for the national external assessment in Bulgarian language and literature and in mathematics.

In Bulgarian language and literature, seventh graders worked on 26 tasks. In the first part, 25 tasks were included. Of these, 18 were multiple choice, 6 short free and 1 extended free. In the second part of the exam, students wrote a detailed retelling of a fictional text on behalf of a neutral narrator.

In the mathematics exam, they solved a total of 23 problems – 20 of them were multiple-choice and 3 – free.

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