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The Math Behind “The Curse of Dimensionality”

The Math Behind “The Curse of Dimensionality” | by Maxime Wolf – Towards Data Science

As dimension increases, many interesting and counterintuitive phenomena arise. The “Curse of Dimensionality” is a term invented by Richard Bellman


In the realm of machine learning, handling high-dimensional vectors is not just common; it’s essential. This is illustrated by the architecture of popular models like Transformers. For instance, BERT uses 768-dimensional vectors to encode the tokens of the input sequences it processes and to better capture complex patterns in the data. Given that our brain struggles to visualize anything beyond 3 dimensions, the use of 768-dimensional vectors is quite mind-blowing!

While some Machine and Deep Learning models excel in these high-dimensional scenarios, they also present many challenges. In this article, we will explore the concept of the “curse of dimensionality”, explain some interesting phenomena associated with it, delve into the mathematics behind these phenomena, and discuss their general implications for your Machine Learning models.

Note that detailed mathematical proofs related to this article are available on my website as a supplementary extension to this article.

What is the curse of dimensionality?

People often assume that geometric concepts familiar in three dimensions behave similarly in higher-dimensional spaces. This is not the case. As dimension increases, many interesting and counterintuitive phenomena arise. The “Curse of Dimensionality” is a term invented by Richard Bellman (famous mathematician) that refers to all these surprising effects.

What is so special about high-dimension is how the “volume” of the space (we’ll explore that in more detail soon) is growing exponentially. Take a graduated line (in one dimension) from 1 to 10. There are 10 integers on this line. Extend that in 2 dimensions: it is now a square with 10 × 10 = 100 points with integer coordinates. Now consider “only” 80 dimensions: you would already have 10⁸⁰ points which is the number of atoms in the universe.

In other words, as the dimension increases, the volume of the space grows exponentially, resulting in data becoming increasingly sparse