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The first Bulgarian graffiti school

Changing the urban environment – Economic.bg

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Graffiti, which is part of informal urban culture, is usually associated with drawings that deface the appearance of the facades of public buildings. However, a group of young people devoted to this art decided to change the community and the understanding of graffiti art in general. As well as dealing with the main deficits – the lack of legal places to paint, funding and prejudice. For this purpose, they created the first Bulgarian graffiti school.

His idea is to regularly gather in one place artists who want to acquire new skills in the field of graffiti art. Training takes place on the principle of the cell school . Those who are skilled in portrait painting or in the field of calligraphy also show others.

Even as a child I was passionate about graffiti art. But then there was no such community to go to. And really, what I did was to fill in the gaps that I faced as a young artist," says Damyan Nikolov, one of the founders of the "Bulgarian Graffiti School" Association.

At the heart of the creation of the school, which has been operating since 2019 and is completely free, are four people. The trainings are usually held twice a month on the territory of Varna. Several initiatives have already been held in Dobrich and Shumen.

The graffiti school shortens the path of artists’ growth," says Damyan Nikolov in a conversation with Economic.bg.

The image of graffiti culture

The image of graffiti culture suffers from people illegally scribbling on public buildings. Therefore, the Bulgarian Graffiti School tries to break the line of illegal drawings and show young artists that when they are persistent and really like what they do, there is always meaning and there are like-minded people.

When you see a building that is abandoned and with a broken window, you break the next one because you see that there are no consequences after the first broken window. If we do not punish ourselves for small transgressions, they lead to greater ones. When you direct your energy in the right direction, it always makes sense. This art can also be paid for," says Damian.

The trainings during the graffiti school meetings take place in the form of outdoor workshops; implementation of projects related to the transformation of the urban environment; murals.

Over the years, Damian has considered the possibility of starting to issue certificates/diplomas for completed training, but due to the lack of a strict program according to which the training takes place, this idea cannot be realized.

However, there is homework every time. At the next class, to which the artist came, he must show what he painted while he was not with us", says Damyan Nikolov.

Among the main problems in Varna, however, is the lack of free places for painting.

Every city needs a territory in the center that is free for painting and thus promotes this type of art," says Damian, who has repeatedly submitted proposals for different locations in the municipality to be designated for free painting, but without Good luck.

Nevertheless, the municipality has financed the Association for the implementation of several different projects on the territory of Varna, as well as Damian Nikolov as an artist.

Renewal of the urban environment

Among the projects implemented by the "Bulgarian Graffiti School" Association on the territory of Varna is the "Gardoobitateli" project, which aims to ennoble urban spaces, and more specifically – creating beautiful art graffiti murals on electrical distribution substations located on the territory of the city of Varna.

To paint them, the association has attracted both experienced artists and beginners who want to learn how to use modern painting techniques.

The project started in April last year and is likely to be finalized next year.

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