Today, mathematics is not only
‘Today, mathematics is not only necessary in daily life but pervasive’ – Apoorva Khare is an associate professor of mathematics at the Indian Institute of… Прочетете повече »Today, mathematics is not only
‘Today, mathematics is not only necessary in daily life but pervasive’ – Apoorva Khare is an associate professor of mathematics at the Indian Institute of… Прочетете повече »Today, mathematics is not only
How Simple Math Moves the Needle | Quanta Magazine Quanta Magazine There’s a fun math problem here about how much space you need to turn… Прочетете повече »Simple Math Moves the Needle
„Любов от пръв поглед“ използва хумор и математика, за да разкаже интересна любовна история Романтичният филм за добро настроение не е за любовта, а за… Прочетете повече »Любов от пръв поглед
Next Big Thing: Mathematics helps find hidden patterns in complex data – Cosmos Magazine Cosmos Magazine In a mathematical model of weather, for example, you… Прочетете повече »Hidden patterns in complex data
Професор Гудман избран за МОСТ програма за преподаване на любов към математиката – The Стют Стютът Чрез промяна на стигмата, свързана с математиката, и въвеждане… Прочетете повече »Професор Гудман избран за МОСТ
Critiquing The Line: Unraveling the Mathematical Debate Behind Saudi Arabia’s Unique Megaproject Archinect It Makes Zero Sense, subtitled, Basic math says the city should actually… Прочетете повече »Debate Behind Saudi Arabia’s Unique Megaproject
How MathViewer’s dual-panel platform improves accessibility for all readers – YouTube YouTube Comments ; Bringing Photographs to Life | Mathematical Moments #166. American Mathematical Society… Прочетете повече »How MathViewer’s dual-panel platform improves
Как двупанелната платформа на MathViewer подобрява достъпността за всички читатели – YouTube Коментари ; Вдъхване на живот на снимките | Математически моменти #166. Американско математическо… Прочетете повече »Видеа – Най-красивото доказателство по математика и др
Mathematicians find 27 tickets that guarantee UK National Lottery win | New Scientist New Scientist You can guarantee a win in every draw of the… Прочетете повече »Mathematicians find 27 tickets that
In Tanzania, a New Competition Rewards Teachers for Skills in Teaching Mathematics World Bank … inviting preprimary and primary teachers to show their skills in… Прочетете повече »In Tanzania, a New Competition
Coordinating mathematical success: the mathematics subject report – GOV.UK GOV.UK Mathematics is a universal language that helps us to understand the world, and it is… Прочетете повече »Coordinating mathematical success: the mathematics
Is Mathematics Discovered or Invented? – Mind Matters Mind Matters Many mathematical breakthroughs are sometimes independently reported by two or more mathematicians at roughly the… Прочетете повече »Is Mathematics Discovered or Invented?
2023 Spring Convocation — Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Mathematics & Science (AM) YouTube View the Convocation program at: link Mathematical modelling can reduce… Прочетете повече »2023 Spring Convocation — Faculty
Mathematician Elliott Lieb wins Kyoto Prize for pioneering quantum discoveries Princeton University Elliott Lieb won the mathematical sciences category of the Kyoto Prize for …… Прочетете повече »Mathematician Elliott Lieb wins Kyoto