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MES is changing the curricula from I to X grades

Ministry of Education and Science changes the curricula from I to X grades – Bulgaria

The Ministry of Education and Science proposes changes in the curricula for general education subjects from I to X classes. The goal is their improvement and updating in several directions, the Ministry of Education and Culture announced.

The first group of changes is about dropping topics, expected results and concepts. This is done in Bulgarian language and literature (BEL), mathematics, informatics, philosophy, geography and economics, physics and astronomy, chemistry and environmental protection, biology and health education. In geography and economics, for example, the concept of „industry“ is dropped; and for BEL – annotation and business letter.

Graduates will be able to re-apply for matriculation

Another change is related to moving topics, expected results and concepts to another class within the stage – in BEL, mathematics, geography and economics and chemistry and environmental protection. For example, Vazov’s „Levski“ from „Epic of the Forgotten“ and „Under the Yoke“ should be moved from the X to the IX class to free up study time for the tenth graders to prepare for the National External Assessment. In mathematics, the concept of „Simple interest“ is moved from V to VII grade, and the topic „Equalities in the plane“ moves from general education to advanced preparation.

New concepts and expected outcomes are included in geography and economics, chemistry and environmental protection, and biology and health education. For example, in geography and economics, the concept of „circular economy“ is introduced, and in man and nature, example integrated topics for laboratory works and project activities are added in the „Unity of nature“ section.

The requirement for a minimum number of grades per academic term in foreign languages in grades VIII-X is no longer required.

The proposed changes in the curricula for the primary educational stage are few and relate to the subjects: Bulgarian language and literature for grades I-IV, fine arts for grades I, technology and entrepreneurship for grades I-IV, national studies for grades II, human and society for class III.

In the junior high school and first high school stages, changes are planned in Bulgarian language and literature for grades V – X, mathematics for grades V – X, informatics for grades VIII, geography and economics for grades V – X, philosophy for grades VIII and X, the human and nature V and VI class, biology and health education for class VII – X, physics and astronomy for class VII – X, chemistry and environmental protection for class VIII – X.

In all three stages, no meaningful changes were proposed in history and civilizations, music and foreign language.

Changes are proposed in all curricula for Physical Education and Sports from I to XII grades, aimed at refining the educational content, according to the available material base, motor skills and abilities of the students. The range of possible elective areas in physical education and sports is expanding, for example – chess and racket sports.

The changes in the curricula are related to their optimization according to the age characteristics of the students and to the enrichment of inter-subject connections. In geography and economics, the calculation of actual distances on a map using a numerical scale will no longer be studied in grade V, but in grade VII, taking into account the knowledge, skills and relationships formed by the subject of mathematics. For the purpose of clarification, the term „farming“ has been replaced by the term „economy“.

For greater clarity, the basic formulas for quantities and
regularities in the physics and astronomy curricula are presented in separate tables.

The updated curricula will come into effect step by step to ensure that the transfer between classes can take place. For the academic year 2023 – 2024 – for I, II, III, IV, V and VIII classes, for 2024 – 2025 years – for VI and IX classes, and for the academic year 2025 – 2026 – for VII and X classes. Existing textbooks are used until new textbooks are approved.

The proposed changes are the result of the completed comprehensive review of the applicability of the programs in 2022. The review included surveys among teachers on the curricula of all general education subjects from I to X classes, preparation of opinions of working groups (two for each subject, with teachers proposed by the social partners participating in the teams), opinion polls of the students for the education in the general educational subjects, including a professional sociological survey (with the opinion of parents and students about the educational content in grades I – X). National Assembly. Part of the review was the discussion with MPs from the Education and Science Committee in the 48th National Assembly. Meetings and consultations with methodologists and psychologists also played an important role in the proposed changes.

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